Hire JavaScript Developers in India
Hire Experienced JavaScript app developers for javascript framework, angular, and Machine learning. Get secure & scalable JavaScript based apps for the needs of SMEs, agencies, product companies & financial institutions.
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What is JavaScript?
JavaScript is well-known as the scripting language for Web pages and provide interactivity with HTML. JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight, interpreted, or just-in-time compiled programming language.It's easy to learn and must be learn by each web developer to claim as web developer.
Hire a Javascript Developers
Hire Sofstack JavaScript Developer for on going project. If you want to incredible interactive website or online applications with most demanding framework like Angular JS, Angular2 , Angular 4, Angular 6. To take full advantage of the web's capabilities, you need to know how to use them.
Our JavaScript Developers are experienced in followings:
JavaScript Development
Our JavaScript Web developers have expertise in many application domains. Developer can build custom JavaScript websites nurtured with security, scalability and advanced features.
We offers many choices for web development in Javascript:
AngularJS Development
ReactJS Development
Vue.js Development
MeteorJS Development
BackboneJS Development
We offers many choices for Scientific and Numeric Computing in JavaScript:
TensorFlow.js is boon for business which want to build and use Machine learning model to integrate with website and see insights of data.
Data preparation and Data Cleaning
Training and Testing Model
Predication & Analytical graph
The Software Carpentry Course teaches basic skills for scientific computing, running bootcamps and providing open-access teaching materials.
Scientific and Numeric Computing
TensorFlow.js an open-source library that do lots of task easily. Our Developer can use to define, train, and run machine learning models entirely in the browser, using Javascript and a high-level layers API.
JavaScript is a superb language for teaching programming, both at the introductory level and in more advanced courses.Our developer can help your team to train and educate.
We offers many choices for Education in JavaScript:
Online training, teaching for developer.
Helping Teacher or instructors of colleges or universities to build highly efficient course material and test, exams .
The Software Carpentry Course teaches basic skills for scientific computing, running bootcamps and providing open-access teaching materials.
Here are top JavaScript Framework used in mobile app Development.
React Native
jQuery Mobile
Sencha Ext JS
Mobile App Development
Javascript is not only used in building dynamic web pages. Now with Javascript frameworks you can build fast and great mobile apps. For businesses and developers is great solution to build interactive UI, with less lines of code
Business Applications
Build ERP, e-commerce systems and web app development JavaScript is choice for all.
We offers many choices are available for business applications:
Front-End framework for a Large Business Application
MEAN stack for enterprise application:development MongoDB (database), ExpressJS (back-end framework), Angular.JS (front-end framework), and Node.JS (back-end runtime environment)
Developers Work in JavaScript Frameworks
AngularJS Development
Angular is one way solutions of building application across all platforms and reuse your code.It also can build apps for web, mobile web, native mobile and native desktop.
Angular, Angular JS offers many choices for applications development likes:
Progressive Web Apps: Use modern web platform capabilities to deliver app-like experiences. High performance, offline, and zero-step installation
Native: Build native mobile apps with strategies from Cordova, Ionic, or NativeScript
Desktop: Desktop-installed apps across Mac, Windows, and Linux
React JS Development
React Js is another JavaScript library after angular for building user interface.
React JS is choices for applications development for following reason:
Declarative: interactive UIs, efficiently update and render just the right components when your data changes.
Learn Once, Write Anywhere
Projects We Have Done
Blockchain Based Decentralized Management of Demand Response Programs in Smart Energy Grids.
Use of decentralized blockchain mechanisms for delivering
transparent, secure, reliable, and timely energy flexibility, under the form of adaptation of energy demand profiles of Distributed Energy Prosumers, to all the stakeholders involved in the flexibility markets (Distribution System Operators primarily, retailers, aggregators, etc.).
Client: Sensor and Communication
Industry: Energy and Sensor
Technologies: Block Chain, Python
College ERP Integrated with College VPN and MIS
This was Project about handling students records,Result Registration, Suggesting student learning path and Organising online test, Managing campus recruitment and company account handling.
Client: NIT Raipur
Industry: Education
Technologies: Django, Python, Web
FCR Manual for BSPs
The purpose of Frequency Containment Reserves (FCR) is to limit and stabilise frequency deviations in the entire
synchronously connected high-voltage grid (both national and international), regardless of the event and location of the imbalance that caused them. Without adequate intervention, frequency deviations may lead to automatic load shedding and even cause a black-out in the worst case scenario.The frequency within the synchronous area of continental Europe has a nominal set point of 50 Hz.Deviations in frequency in respect of this set point are normal and are part of standard operation.
Client: Transmission System Operators for Electricity
Industry: Energy And Communication
Technologies: Allocation messages,Special RPG (SRPG), Web Services
Facial Recognition Through a Webcam
This is facial recognition project through a webcam and addition to that, the project requires us to sync the live footage on multiple webcams such that when a person walks in frame from one webcam to another, the next webcam recognizes that it is the same individual passing by and hence labels the individual as the same individual..
This will also capture person movement like when people walk into the frame of the webcam there are boxes assigned.
Client: Webcam and Attendance
Industry: Camera and Security
Technologies: Python, Web Services, OpenCV
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